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Artist Ivan MIEDHO based in Madrid, Spain.

​​藝術家Ivan MIEDHO 居住於馬德里 西班牙

Ivan M.I.E.D.H.O. was born on January 28, 1984 in Madrid, Spain. Plastic artist, finished the carrier of Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Ivan M.I.E.D.H.O.出生於西班牙馬德里 1984年 1月28日。造型藝術家,完成了馬德裏康普頓大學美術系的課程。



Since his youth he has had a prolific activity winning several awards in drawing, illustration and video competitions. He has made numerous collective and individual exhibitions of photography and painting, like “I Neosimbolista Hall” in the museum La Corrala or “Doppeltgänger” in the Prince of Asturias center of Madrid and the Complutense University of Madrid with the participation of the vice-dean Nuria Sánchez Madrid. Several articles about his work have been published in national and international art magazines.

從年青開始就在繪畫、插畫、視像製作比賽上取得一些不錯的獎項,參與多次及舉辦集體和個人的攝影和畫展,像在La Corrala 博物館的“I Neosimbolista Hall”及在馬德里Prince of Asturias center的“Doppeltgänger”, 馬德里康普斯頓大學副院長Nuria Sánchez是參與者, 關於他的幾篇文章已在國內和國際的藝術雜誌上發表。


On May 29, 2010, he received the Niram Art award in photography category. In the same act the Armenian artist Onik Sahakian was awarded, also known as Salvador Dalí’s great friend who prompted him to paint. Others winners were Michel Houellebecq and César Antonio Molina.

2010年5月29日,他獲得了攝影類Niram 藝術獎項,在同一幕中,被稱為Salvador Dalí 的偉大的朋友,來自Armenian的藝術家Onik Sahakian 同樣獲得獎項,其他獲獎人有Michel Houellebecq 和 César Antonio Molina.



In 2014, he published the art essay “Courageless”, which has an extensive prologue by Antonio Fernández García, professor of Fine Arts (UCM). In May 2014 his work Doppeltgänger becomes part of the permanent collection of the Prince of Asturias Center in Madrid.

2014年,他發表了一篇藝術論文“Courageless”, 這篇文章由藝術教授Antonio Fernández García 作了序言。2014年5月,他的作品Doppeltgänger 成為馬德里Prince of Asturias Center 永久收藏的一部分。



In 2015, he collaborates with the actress Amarna Miller and makes a portrait that is part of the series Sex and Woman, a different way of seeing the world of pornography and advertising. The portrait was presented at La Quinta del Sordo and counted on the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture.

2015年,他與女演員Amarna Miller 合作製作了人像作品,這是Sex and Woman 系列的一部分,一種看待色情和廣告世界的不同方式,這幅人像作品的到文化部的贊助於La Quinta del Sordo 展出。


In 2016 he portrays the Catalan artist Rita Martorell Codrech and is part of the Archetype exhibition presented at C.C. Los Castillos of Madrid.

2016年他描繪了卡塔蘭藝術家Rita Martorell Codrech,並參加了馬德里C.C. Los Castillos舉辦的原型展覽。



In 2017, “Essays on MIEDHO” is published. A book written by Héctor Martínez Sanz about the work of the artist and his vision of the current postmodern society.

2017年,出版了“Essays on MIEDHO”。這是一本由Héctor Martínez Sanz 寫的關於藝術家的作品和他對後現代社會的看法的書。

In October 2017, the Joaquín Leguina Regional Library exhibited several works of the artist dedicated to the writer H.P.Lovecraft.

2017年10月,Joaquín Leguina地區圖書館展出了幾幅藝術家為作家H.P. Lovecraft創作的作品。

In October 2017, the Galileo Cultural Center showed a work by the artist that he exhibited with the artists Ouka Leele and Mario Marini in the collective exhibition Cambiodeismo.

2017年10月,Galileo Cultural Center展出了一幅藝術家的作品,他與藝術家Ouka Leele和Mario Marini 一起在Cambiodeismo 集體展覽中展出。

In 2018, he promoted her work Art of Somoza with her new print work dedicated to the empowerment of women, “Ladies and Muses”.

2018年,他宣傳“她”的作品Art of Somoza 及以致力於賦予女性權力的新印刷作品“Ladies and muses”。

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