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Artists x Gallery, All artists open commission for art creations and all artworks for sale too.


Artist #Lady based in Guangzhou, China.

​​藝術家#Lady 居住於中國 廣州


Indonesian Chinese/#LADY, 印尼籍華人

Independent personal fashionable brand #AONETHEFIRST ( Owner- Principal )




Lady, completed the bachelor of degree ( Fashion Design ) at the University of Central Saint Martins, London, England.


Finalist of Louis Vuitton Project ( Bag Design for Louis Vuitton )

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​入圍 路易威登 設計大賽總決賽 (皮包設計)​​​​​​

Finalist of Fresh Project ( Uniform Design for Fresh Skincare Brand )

​入圍 馥蕾詩 設計大賽總決賽 (服裝設計)


Finalist of Ruco Line Project ( Accessories Design for Ruco Line )

入圍 RUCO LINE 設計大賽總決賽 (鞋配,T恤設計)


Finalist of Swavroski Scholarship ( Graduation Collection )

入圍 施瓦洛士奇 獎學金設計大賽 (服裝設計)


Worked for Kokon To Zai, Monochrome, M - Line, Quoi Alexander, Louis Vuitton. ( Designer )

曾經擔任Kokon To Zai, Monochrome, M - Line, Quoi Alexander, Louis Vuitton 等品牌設計師

London Fashion Week & Paris Fashion Week. ( Participant )

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​參與 倫敦時裝周 和 巴黎時裝周


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