"The urge to destroy is also a creative urge" - Picasso
"毀滅的沖動也是壹種創造性的沖動" - Picasso
October, 2018,
Banksy's "Girl with red balloon, 2006" mysteriously shreds following it's sale at Sotheby's london, Sold for £1,042,000 ($1.4 MILLION). Obviously, the value of torn painting has doubled. The next day, Banksy posted a short video on his Instagram that appears to show him building a shredder into the frame.
2018年10月, Banksy 在倫敦蘇富比拍賣會上神秘地撕碎了"Girl with red balloon, 2006",畫作以1,042,000英鎊(140萬美元)售出。很顯然,被撕碎的畫作的價值是翻倍上升的。第二天,Banksy在他的Instagram 發表了壹段視頻,顯示他在框架內建造了壹臺碎紙機。
Then, December, 2018.
Banksy publiced a video of season's greetings on instagram before the Christmas coming, he displays his art on publicly visible surfaces such as walls and self-built physical prop pieces, almost never commented on his work.
緊接著 2018年12月, 聖誕節來臨前 Banksy 在Instagram 發表了另壹段節日問候的視頻,他把他的藝術展示在公眾可見的表面,如墻壁和自建的實物道具上,幾乎從不對自己的作品發表看法。
Interestingly, Banksy's name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation, rarely interviewed, he no longer sells photographs or reproductions of his street graffiti, but his public "installations" are regularly resold, often even by removing the wall they were painted on.
有趣的是,Banksy 的名字和身份仍然沒有得到確認,也是猜測的主題,很少接受采訪,他不再出售他的街頭塗鴉的照片或復制品,但他的公共“裝置”經常被轉售,甚至是通過拆除墻上的塗料來轉售。
These days everyone is trying to be famous, but he has anonymity, how could you've feeling through Banksy's Video/Artwork?
現在每個人都在努力成名,但他匿名,通過Banksy 的視頻/作品你會有何感想?