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EXHIBITION: "MUSES". JULY 01 - 20, 2019. 展覽:”繆斯“ 7月 01 - 20 號, 2019. Ivan MIEDHO

作家相片: JimLeeJimLee

Artist - Ivan MIEDHO

​藝術家:Ivan MIEDHO

The exhibition is called "Muses",  exhibiting paintings and digital engraving in the art room "Totart Valencia". Explore the world​ of Somoza,

characters and narrative, devour them and create a world of their own. Waiting for you all there! 

​展覽名為“繆斯”,在“Totart Valencia”藝術室展出繪畫和數字雕刻。探索Somoza 的世界,人物和敘事,吞噬他們,創造屬於自己的世界。 ​期待在那裏見到你們!

Writer - Jose Carlos Somoza

​作家:Jose Carlos Somoza

Ivan's Art is my inner thought: Writing, I opened the door that he went through, Now I invite you to cross the threshold which leads to miedho's Dark.

Ivan 的藝術是我內心的思想:寫作,我打開了他經過的大門, 現在我邀請你跨過通向Miedho 黑暗處的門檻。

Exhibition at "Totart Valencia", calle palleter, 81 bajo, Valencia, Spain.

From 01 July to 20 July 2019.

10:00 to 14:00, 17:00 to 20:00.

( Local Time )

展覽於"Totart Valencia"calle palleter, 81 bajo,瓦倫西亞,西班牙

2019年7月1號 - 7月20號 10:00至14:00, 17:00至20:00.​




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