"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
-H.P. Lovecraft
My eyes are looking through the thickness, the Light becomes reality in a lie while the Dancing Shadows distract me. In front of me, is a winding road.
My spirit repaired with neon lights is exhausted.
My life flickers like the glow of a supernova at infinity.
My heart burns, a black flame, violent and tender.
I have to continue to my dark tower, I have to see what's up there.
His strength trapped me years ago,
Today, belong to the colors of his brushes.
I'm the slave of a child's dream,
and when you look at me, what do your eyes see?
”壹個孩子的王國“ 我的眼睛偷看著,舞蹈的陰影分散了我的註意力,光線在謊言裏變成現實。 在我的前面,是壹條蜿蜒的道路。 已耗盡我用霓虹燈修補的精神, 我的生命像無限遠處熾熱的超新星閃著微光, 我的心臟在燃燒,黑色的火焰,暴躁而溫柔。 我必須延續到我的黑暗塔,我必須看看那裏發生了什麽。 幾年前,他的力量困住了我, 今天,屬於他的刷子的顏色。
我是孩子夢想的奴隸, 當你看著我時,你的眼睛看到了什麽?
In October 2017.
The Joaquín Leguina Regional Library
exhibited several works of the artist dedicated to the writer H.P.Lovecraft. Included the "Landscape Lovecraft I, II, III."
Joaquín Leguina 地區圖書館展出了Ivan 獻給作家H.P.Lovecraft 的作品。
當中包含 "Landscape Lovecraft I, II, III."
Who's H.P. Lovecraft?
Howard Phillips Lovecraft ( August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937 ) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction.
He was virtually unknown and published only in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, but he is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors of horror and weird fiction.
Know more about H.P. Lovecraft please through in Wikipedia.
誰是 H.P. Lovecraft?
H.P. Lovecraft( 1890年8月20日至1937年3月15日 )是壹位美國作家,他通過其影響深遠的恐怖小說作品獲得了死後名聲。 他幾乎不為人所知,死於貧困,離世前作品只在廉價的小說雜誌上發表,但他現在被認為是20世紀最重要的恐怖和怪異小說作家之壹。 透過 維基百科 了解更多H.P. Lovecraft.
Distant and desolate paramos, the night as liberator of evil.
The sinister atmosphere where something always happens that violates the laws of science and rationality.
The landscapes could correspond to the New England cliffs and their dark forests.
遙遠而荒涼的帕拉莫斯,夜如惡魔的解放者。 總是發生違反科學及理性規律的險惡氣氛。 景象猶如新英格蘭的懸崖和暗森林。
The Landscapes Lovecraft series of paintings are inspired by the tormented, dark and somber worlds of the writer.
The works do not drink of any particular story and take as references the different descriptions that are given in their texts.
Lovecraft系列風景畫的靈感來自作家的痛苦,黑暗和憂郁的世界。 然而,作品並沒引用任何特定的故事,而是引用了Lovecraft 故事文本中給出不同描述作為參考。
That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die
-H.P. Lovecraft
那永恒長眠的並非亡者 在奇妙的萬古之中即便死亡亦會消逝 -霍華德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特